Memory overcommit and large page table support in the VM guest and hypervisor are preferred features; memory page sharing is an optional bonus feature you might want to consider. VMGuest和虚拟机管理程序中的内存过量使用和大页面表支持是首选的功能,内存页面共享可能是您希望考虑的一个可选的附加功能。
Another ( optional) CommonStore feature is the so-called intelligent abstracting where the CSLD task creates a summary of the mail content and puts it into the mail body after archiving. 另外一个(可选的)CommonStore特性就是所谓的智能抽象(intelligentabstracting),在该特性中,CSLD任务创建邮件内容的一个摘要,并在归档后将其放入邮件的主体中。
This is really an optional feature and ClearQuest test management can be deployed successfully without establishing file locations for test motivators. 这确实是一个可选的特性,而且ClearQuest测试管理能够在没有为测试激发因素建立文件位置的情况下被成功的配置。
Change to true in order to install an optional feature. 为了安装可选择的特性,将变更为true。
It also has an optional feature, PowerHA/ XD, which provides clients with business continuity in case of a major disaster. 它还有一个可选特性PowerHA/XD,这为客户提供发生重大灾难时的业务连续性。
If the ( optional) single-instance-storage feature is turned on, an additional hash code ( based on the mail content and other fields) must be generated. 如果打开单事务存储特性(可选),那么必须生成一个附加的散列码(根据邮件内容和其他字段)。
Live Application Mobility is actually an optional feature that is enabled within the WPAR manager component. 事实上,动态应用程序迁移是一项可选的特性,该特性可以在WPAR管理器组件内部启用。
Please note that for sake of simplicity, the tests described do not include the optional dual-node high availability feature. 请注意:为了简单起见,所描述的测试不包含可选双节点高可用性特性。
Message groups are a little-known optional feature of JMS. 消息组是一种不太为人所知的JMS可选特性。
In iterative development, this is much like substituting one optional feature for another as we continually learn about our project and our customer needs. 在迭代开发中,这类似于随着我们不断地了解我们的项目和客户的需求,用一个可选特性来替代另一个。
Additionally, developers can start to extend Spring applications with capabilities being introduced through optional and incremental WebSphere feature packs. 此外,使用可选和增量WebSphere功能包引入的功能,开发人员可以着手扩展Spring应用程序。
The parallel forEach construct has an optional feature& a completionCondition that can be used to terminate the forEach construct before completing all parallel loop instances. 并行forEach构造有一个可选功能&completionCondition,可用于在完成所有并行循环实例前终止forEach构造。
The order of queue execution is variable: An optional feature, on by default, will reorder test execution based on results of a previous run, yet still showing the results in order. 测试的执行顺序是变化的:这是一个可选的功能,默认会根据上一次执行的结果重新排列执行顺序,但结果还是按照之前的顺序显示。
It also includes "optional services startup" feature where the developers can selectively start only the server components they really use in their applications. 还包括一个“可选的启动服务”特性,以便开发者可以在应用中开启其真正需要的那些服务组件。
An optional feature called City Emergency Braking is unique in this class. 被称作都市紧急制动的优化功能是这个级别中独一无二的。
It also provides an optional feature to assemble, deploy and manage Java applications as a collection of versioned OSGi bundles. 该版本还提供了一个可选功能,可以把Java应用作为版本化的OSGiBundle的一个集合来装配、部署和管理。
It will always be an optional feature in olap4j, but we hope that at least Palo and Mondrian will implement it. 它在olap4j里只是一个可选的功能,但我们希望Palo和Mondrian至少要实现它。
The gtt form is required when there is an attempt to use the gtt ( Global Title Translation) optional feature. 要想使用gtt(全局码转换)的可选特性时,需要gtt表。
Remotely, with optional Network Communication feature. 远程,与可选的网络通信功能。
Spring declarative transactional support for repositories that implement the ( optional) transactional feature. Spring声明性事务为那些实现了(可选)事务特性的仓库提供了支持。
Locally, with optional Local Digital Control feature. 局部,局部与可选的数字控制功能。
The optional feature checking operation, finally, gives a novel explanation to this puzzle. 选择性特征核查给上述问题带来了新的解释。